Reset Password

Creation date: 30/10/2018 14:14    Updated: 18/06/2020 12:24   login issue
If you forgot or lost your password you can reset it by following the below instructions:

1. Go to which looks like this:
At bottom of the screen click on the link "help me!" next to "I forgot my password,".

2. The page will then refresh and you should insert your email address that is connected to your Agentivity account. When you're done click on the SEND LINK button. 

The page will update to confirm that a "Reset Password" email has been sent to your inbox
3. Go to your email account and open the email as soon as its received as the link expires after a few minutes. Once the link is clicked it will open your web browser to the below screen
Enter your email and insert your new password, then type it once again to confirm then click the RESET button.
You should see a new page that looks like this:
Click on the link that says: "click here to log in" and you will be redirected to the Agentivity log in page from the top of this article. 
Fill your email as username and your new password to use Agentivity again.